Friday, October 24, 2014

INSURGENT - Veronica Roth

Insurgent The Sequel of Divergent is one of the best sequels ever been created. It doubles everything from the First and most addictive books of the year Divergent, from the highly imaginative action scenes, unconditional love of family to the greediness of power of factions. This Sequel will blow your mind and stick on it for days or weeks as you read this fast paced, factions against faction war and highly animated like settings.

Click this image or link to read this ebook:

Allegiant (Divergent Trilogy Book 3)

Allegiant the last book of the Trilogy of Divergent will blow your minds with a lot of new twist from the secret history of the origins of the Factions and with the passionate unconditional love of Tris and four. Allegiant starts from the last part of the Chapters of Insurgent so you might want to review the second book if it. And of course it would surprise you on how Veronica Roth the author of this amazing book ends the finale with a mixture of purity, action and wisdom fully applied to this story.

click this image and link to read this e-book:

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Fault in our Stars - John Green

John Green the Author of this novel The Fault in our stars, has created a mixture of love, Death and life story. This novel Touches your heart with a very romantic against all odds situations of  people. Characters having physical  difficulties fighting for love by defying how long the capacity of life could last.

click the image below to read The Fault in our Stars kindle:

The Maze Runner

This awesome, Action free running packed e-book will rock your reading world. As it brings you to a whole type of different  world into the maze runner type of survival and mysteries. Surrounded by its gigantic Labyrinth with deadly yet unknown things its the best way to bring your imagination to its highest level. It was brought to a movie in the year 2014 portrayed by Dylan O'brien from the tv series teenwolf. It is one of the hippest book of the year.

Click the image below to purchase the Maze Runner e-book: